December 31, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: work, Jesus, temple, house, teaching, missing
The story of Jesus missing from the caravan home can seem a little overblown, but it became a teaching moment for His parents and for us to see what the true work of the Father was and remains. Jesus has work to do, even at a young age, and He diligently sets about it by visiting His Father's house and speaking the Word with any who would...
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December 30, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: work, Jesus, purpose, redemption, temple, plan, house
Jesus formative years were a learning experience for everyone. Even though we get very little information about his growing up, we see in at least one little snippet how committed He is to His Father's purposes and plans to bring rescue. Even when his parents didn't "get it," He still pursued His work....
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December 29, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: celebrate, family, parents, Christmas, Luke, guide
Every family celebrates Christmas a little differently. But the whole point for parents and singles alike is to point others to the One who came to redeem sinful people and bridge the chasm that separates us from our Creator....
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December 28, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: Jesus, father, mom, care, dad, lost
Jesus was always in the sure hands of His Father, even when His earthly mom and dad lost track of Him. Isn't it good to know that we, too, can rest secure in the gentle and expert care of our Father?!...
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December 27, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: parents, sacrifice, wonder, child, giving up
When we think of the birth of Jesus, sacrifice isn't really the most prominent theme we consider. But sacrifice is at the heart of all that God intended to accomplish through His Son's work in the world....
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December 26, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: comfort, arrival, peace, Advent
Christmas is now behind us, but the reality of Christ's arrival now sets in for us. How will we respond as He works in our lives today?...
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December 25, 2020
by Bob Rutherford
| Tags: Christmas, birth, celebration, savior, rejoice
The Christmas story, though clouded by modern commercialism and distractions, is one that forces people to respond to the God who comes to save them from sin and cleanse them from all unrighteousness. How will you respond today?...
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December 24, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: worship, Christmas, Advent, peace, pause
Frenzy, chaos and anxiety are words that we could easily use to describe the modern Christmas experience. But Advent is a reminder to pause and ponder the depths to which God's love is gloriously displayed. So pause and worship this King born to set you free!...
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December 23, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: family, joy, hope, love, redemption
The most precious parts of Christmas are the moments we share with those we care about as we recall the grand story of redemption that began for us in that little manger. It's a salvation available to all, and in that we rejoice!...
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December 22, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: rejoice, purpose, hope, Advent
Christmas comes at the end of the calendar year, but the Christmas story is just the start of all that God seeks to accomplish in and through those He came to save. Just like everything He does, there is purpose in the method in which He stepped into our circumstances. And it all leads us to rejoice in the God who comes for us!...
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December 21, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: waiting, relieved, arrival, finally
Perhaps the waiting really is the hardest part of Christmas. God's people had waited a long, long time for the promised arrival! But only a select few actually knew what they were seeing....
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December 20, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: worship, Christ, Mary, savior, sin, arrival
Mary bore the Savior she, too, needed to overcome the sin in her life, and as we retell the Christmas story, we acknowledge all humanity's need for Christ Jesus to come for us....
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December 19, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: joy, truth, Focus, hope, distraction
Don't let the wildness of the modern Christmas experience distract you from soaking in the truth that makes the season so special....
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December 18, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: joy, Luke 2, clear, Linus
Advent isn't really that complicated. Understanding it does not necessitate a seminary degree or advanced study or oratorical eloquence. In fact, it's a pretty simple story with a clear message that hope and joy and peace are available for us if we would only believe....
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December 17, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: personal, salvation, common, Jesus
Jesus comes to us in an unexpected way, and we ought to rejoice in the humble and personal way in which He arrives....
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December 16, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: Mary, Joseph, humility, journey, Bethlehem
Mary and Joseph are making their way to Bethlehem. Can you imagine the struggle they must have endured physically, emotionally and relationally to get them through?...
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December 15, 2020
| Tags: Christ, Advent, birth, amazing, Isaiah, Immanuel, God with us
The REAL magic of Christmas isn't in the glitz and glitter of presents and trees and lights but rather in the reality that God would move heaven and earth to come to us and for us. Now, that's some Great News for everyone!...
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December 14, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: Christmas, joy, Spirit, glory, memories, blessing
There's something about the Christmas season that brings out special memories for those who believe and obey God's Spirit as He moves in us, and sometimes the most seemingly insignificant things can have the greatest impact for His Kingdom....
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December 13, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: peace, Joseph, righteous, humble, exalt
Outside of the Christmas story, there's not much mention of Joseph. About all we get about him comes in the simple phrase "being a righteous man..." So what can we possibly learn from this man spoken so very little of in Scripture? And how can we exalt God better because of it?...
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December 12, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: Christ, God, Advent, light, peace, mercy, compassion
Advent is a season of peace as we pause to remember God's merciful compassion on mankind, to whom He offers redemption through His only Son sent to set us free and guide our feet into the way of peace....
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December 11, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: Mary, trust, servant, humility, faithful
God uses ordinary people to tell His extraordinary tale of salvation, and we get another glimpse of the lowliest people who show themselves to be faithful to the Lord. He is still up to extraordinary things today....
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December 10, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: rejoice, blessed, Magnificat, magnify, favored
Mary's Magnificat may have a strange name to our ears, but it is pure worship from the mother of Christ. Young, probably scared and of next to no importance up until these moments, Mary is deemed highly blessed and favored by God. If He would know and honor someone in her position, what's stopping Him from the same in your life?...
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December 9, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: celebrate, joy, Mary, Elizabeth, Luke 1
Each Advent season, we are reminded afresh of the joy inherent in the Christmas story. We look back and see all Christ has done for us and in us. In these things, we rejoice, and we aren't the only ones! Let's spread that joy around this season!...
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December 8, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: joy, Mary, hope, impossible, Elizabeth, barren
Impossible is not a word that hinders God, and that should be a tremendous encouragement for us in the year we've endured and the future we look toward. He is not phased by our circumstances....
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December 7, 2020
by Kayte Spillman
| Tags: Mary, 2020, chaos, wild, unknown
Mary continues to be an encouragement for believers today. That first Christmas wasn't a piece of cake for her. It wasn't what it has become for us. For her, it probably looked and felt a lot more like what 2020 has been....
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December 6, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: Mary, obedience, trust, humility
In today's world, listening can prove difficult. But when we do actually hear, how will we respond?...
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December 5, 2020
| Tags: joy, Mary, vision, gift, wonder
The answer to the old song "Mary, Did You Know" is really quite simple. Yes, she knew in part because she was told. But what she didn't understand, what she had no vision for at such a young age and after so much silence from God, filled her with fear. Yet, she acknowledged her fears and lack of vision but humbled herself in following the Lord. How can we do likewise?...
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December 4, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: prayer, hope, gift
Anticipation is part of the holiday season. We look forward to gifts and hope for an assortment of blessings. But the same should be true of our anticipation of Christ to come....
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December 3, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: Jesus, lineage, Matthew, heritage, reconnected
The lineage of Jesus tells an amazing story that unfolds in the pages of Scripture. And one of the best parts is believers are now part of that lineage, and it's only the start of the adventure!...
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December 2, 2020
| Tags: Christ, Advent, birth, devotional, daily
Advent is a special season, and ever person has a story to tell. Enjoy these daily devotionals penned by the people of Meadowood as we experience this holiday season together in 2020....
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December 1, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: light, John, glory
Start the Advent journey together with this first post in our Advent Daily Devotional. We launch into the season with a look at the one who paved the way for Jesus' arrival....
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