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Community Groups @ 9:30am | Sunday Service at 10:45am

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A Peek Inside


Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  From Kent, called to this wonderful ministry, and hoping for the day when I will become an apostle like Paul when I reach glory (Most believe that a true apostle is one who is called to a ministry and has seen Jesus face to face–which Paul is considered because of his experience on the road to Damascus)!  Speaking of “hope”, isn’t it awesome that we believers and followers of Christ have hope that WILL come true!? We don’t hope as the world hopes, which is just a wish that might come true or might not (ie. “I hope I get a new car for Christmas,” or “I hope I get into this certain college,” or “I hope I get this certain job.”). When we hope in Christ Jesus, we are hoping for things that will come!!! Thank you, God!!!

Well, let me tell you a little about what we’re doing in Meadowood Youth. This semester we are going through 1 and 2 Corinthians in our MidWeek worship on Wednesday nights. The focus is on 2 Cor. 5:17 where God tells us through Paul that “if anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW creation; the old has passed away, and see the NEW has come!”  We want to live like we are new. We want to study God’s Word like we are new.  We want to share the Gospel with the lost like we are new.

(Are you getting the picture?!)  There are so many people in this world who are living as if they are old–and bored and unhealthy–no matter their age. God is so good to us, and He wants the best for us, and He ain’t (sorry English teachers!) boring; and He has nothing but good health to offer us in Jesus!!!  Paul’s letter to the Corinthians starts out by challenging the church of God at Corinth to be united in ministry and life. We’re in this together, and in today’s world, we need to stick together. With all the unbelievable happenings going on in our culture today, we need to come together and not fear the future, but just fear God!! Yes, the future looks like it may be uncomfortable like crazy at times, but oh, how good it is that we are in the family of God!!!

And, if you are reading this, and you are not in the family of God, come on in!!! We would love to have you! You see, God created us to have fellowship with Him and to glorify His Name!  He was completely satisfied with the company of the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit), but out of His amazing love He created man. Then, man did the one thing God said not to, and sin entered the world.  From that point on we needed a Savior! Good news!–God knew this was coming and had a plan from the beginning. He would send His Son to live and die and rise again for our sins. All we have to do is repent of our sin, and place our faith and trust in Jesus Christ!! That’s it!! And if one does this, then he/she becomes that new person that Paul talks about in 2 Cor. 5:17!!! How great to be NEW!!!!

Also, we continue to study God’s Word through the Gospel Project curriculum on Sunday morning in our community groups. We are so blessed to have so many youth workers that love Jesus from their toes and love students!! These youth workers spend much time preparing lessons in the Holy Scriptures, praying for our students, and loving on some of the greatest people I know!

I just wanted to take a moment to encourage and to give you a peek into what’s going on in Meadowood Youth.

Well, for now, may the peace of God come to you who follow Jesus! And please continue to pray for our youth, our church, THE Church, and our world!!! 

In His Hands,


1 Comment

I am sick today so I looked up Meadowood Baptist Church where I was a long time member. I love to hear about what’s going on with one of my favorite churches. I still consider so many as my church family! I still pray for you and that God will continue to reach people like you did me! Thank you for all you do for the Lord!! Love and God bless you Meadowood Family and all your ministries!

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