WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEAL: We are excited to have resumed Wednesday Night Meals this semester, and we invite you and your family to sign up to be part of these special opportunities to gather around the tables in fellowship. The tentative menu is posted.

Community Groups @ 9:30am | Sunday Service at 10:45am

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Mother's Day Offering

Meadowood Family, 

I apologize for not emphasizing the Mother’s Day offering. I was focused on the fact that it was Randy’s last Sunday with us. We will have the opportunity to give to this offering the last two Sunday’s in May, which will be May 19th and May 26th.

The mother’s day offering is so important as it supports the Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children and the Baptist Village Communities. The OBHC cares for more than 200 children affected by abuse, abandonment, neglect, or poverty by providing safe and nurturing homes where children can be loved, encouraged, and taught about Jesus and Bible teachings.

The Baptist Village Communities since 1958 have expanded to more than 2,700 seniors across Oklahoma in our villages and the entrusted hearts home care ministry.

Our financial gifts and prayers give tremendous assistance to these excellent ministries for Christ. Remember this statement in James 1:27, “Pure and undefiled religion before God is this to care for orphans and widows in their troubles”.

I pray all of us will give generously to this very important offering.

Thank you in advance for your contributions.




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