WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEAL: We are excited to have resumed Wednesday Night Meals this semester, and we invite you and your family to sign up to be part of these special opportunities to gather around the tables in fellowship. The tentative menu is posted.

Community Groups @ 9:30am | Sunday Service at 10:45am

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Prayer Opportunities

Meadowood has created a prayer board where you can post your own prayer requests and select posted cards that can guide your prayers for specific needs in our community and in Mid-Del at large.

Throughout August and September, the prayer ministry is inviting Meadowood to pray specifically for the schools in our area. As schools (and students and their families) continue to adjust to a post-Covid restrictions environment, our prayers on their behalf can be effective in easing that transition.

So stop by the prayer board in the "Roller Coaster Hallway"—it's on your way to the Worship Center each Sunday—and post/grab a prayer request or two!

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