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Starting 2019 Rightly


Dear Meadowood Family,

We are off and running into a New Year. What will 2019 be like? No one knows except the Lord. This is why the writer of Proverbs gives sound advice when he stresses, make sure you trust in Him.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” — Proverbs 3:5,6

In all that we do acknowledge the greatness, goodness, power, love, and knowledge of the Lord and ask Him to lead you, and He will. It is important we understand that trust means more than saying "I believe", it means we are surrendered to Him. This means obedience. I trust that what He tells me is true so I will obey. My obedience reflects the level of my trust.

The YMCA has a sports pledge they have teams quote before each game. It is a great statement of what they are encouraging their players to do. I would suggest with a few changes that we make the following our pledge of commitment to Christ: 

Win or lose I pledge before Jesus to live my life to honor Him. I commit to obeying His teaching. To be loving, kind, forgiving, and fair at all times. Constantly seeking His help to improve myself in spirit, mind, and body.

If we live by such a pledge whether we are winning or losing, facing good times or bad, our lives and influence will be gaining strength and blessing from our Lord.

