Authentic Ministry
Like many of you I’m sure, this past year has beat me up, dragged me through the mud, and left me feeling alone and isolated. We have been told for over a year to stay away, hole up inside, to separate. But God did not create people to be isolated.
“It is not good for man to be alone.” — Genesis 2:18
God gave us the perfect way to never be alone—the church. The church is not the building or the worship service each week. It is a family. It’s the people you can come together and do life with. Hebrews 10:24-25 says, “And let us watch out for one another to provoke love and good works, not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching.”
The church is not the building or the worship service each week. It is a family. It’s the people you can come together and do life with.
We also have a calling above this. It is not to fill pews on Sunday morning, say a few amens during the pastor’s sermons, and then go about our lives. Our calling is to make disciples. Our job is to be a shining beacon of hope and love. Our job is to teach the raw gospel truth in boldness.
That’s all well and good to say, but how do we put that into practice? How do we reach people who have been turned off by the church or have never heard the gospel? The number one way is authenticity.
When do you feel the most connected with someone? Likely when you and they have opened your hearts to show what’s really going on. God calls the church to be the place where people can come honest, broken, and searching. He does not call us to put on our best clothes and our happy church faces. He calls us to leave everything for him; to go into the trenches of ministry and to reach people in the deepest pits of their lives. That’s why he ate with sinners. It wasn’t to approve of or tolerate their sin. He went to them where they were to show them that there was a way out.
So how would you like to do ministry? How is God leading you to reach those around you? Where can you give yourself to the workings of God? When we allow God to work through us, there is no end to the things He can do!
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