FIFTH SUNDAY: Launching in September, Meadowood is excited to host a special time of worship as we gather for Hymn Sing on the fifth Sunday of any month.

Community Groups @ 9:30am | Sunday Service at 10:45am

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Meadowood Kids

Families are important to Meadowood, and we are thrilled to offer an in-depth experience for all members of your family. We believe children are an important aspect of the church. We're passionate about engaging children in quality Bible learning while providing a safe, secure and fun environment for growth and community.

Welcome to Meadowood Kidmin.  Check our FB page!!


Community Group

Community Group  (CG) is our Sunday morning Bible study. CG begins at 9:30am and ends at 10:30.  Our children are divided by age group birth-5th grade All our classes are held in the children’s hall.  Our preschool classes (birth-Kind) are located downstairs, while our elementary classes (1st-5th grade) are located upstairs. At this time we use 2 different curriculums for CG.  The preschool and elementary classes use Lifeway’s Bible Studies for Life. Our 4th & 5th grades use Lifeway's Forged curriculum.  We do require each child to be checked in at the KidMin desk, which is located in the downstairs children’s hall. We also require our preschool through 2nd grade to be dropped off and picked up in their classrooms.

Worship Time

At Meadowood we provide worship care for our babies through 3 years old during our worship service (10:45-11:30 am).  As a parent you will check them in at the KidMin desk and then drop your child off at their age-appropriate class.  

We do offer Children’s church for ages PreK-5th grade.  There will be a designated time during the worship service that children will be dismissed for Children’s Church.  We ask that if your child will be participating in Children’s Church you check them in at the KidMin desk prior to worship.

Wednesday Evenings 2023-2024 

During the school year we offer B.L.A.S.T. (Believe, Learn and Seek Truth) from 6:-7:45pm



We are excited to begin offering a M.O.P.S. (Mothers of Preschoolers) starting in January of 2024. We will meet the 2nd Thursday of each month from 9:30am - 11:00am

Special Events




Fall Festival


If you have any questions about these opportunities or how you can be involved in Meadowood KidMin, contact Amy Young, our minister to children.