WEATHER ALERTS: A winter weather pattern is expected this week. We will keep you posted on any changes to our weekly calendar here, through Facebook and our text line.

Community Groups @ 9:30am | Sunday Service at 10:45am

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From Our Pastor

Welcome to Meadowood, and thank you for visiting us online!

Meadowood is a church family comprised of people from all age groups. We seek to be a place where God's Word is declared, disciples are developed and the church is deployed for the glory of God. In all we do, our purpose is to present the person of Jesus Christ and build His kingdom one life at a time.

Our fellowship is located in Midwest City, OK, and it would be our privilege to worship with you this Sunday morning. We host one service each Sunday morning that begins at 10:45, and we would love to worship with you, whether you choose to join us in person or watch the livestream on Facebook or here on our webpage.

Meadowood's Sunday mornings start with our Community Groups that gather at 9:30am. Many of them are able to accommodate in-person and virtual participation, so you can continue to build community even if you are unable to attend our services.

I hope you will visit Meadowood in the coming weeks. If you have any questions, please call our office at (405) 737-7684. We would look forward to meeting you soon!

Bob Rutherford
