FIFTH SUNDAY: Launching in September, Meadowood is excited to host a special time of worship as we gather for Hymn Sing on the fifth Sunday of any month.

Community Groups @ 9:30am | Sunday Service at 10:45am

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Meadowood Adults

Our Goal

It is our aim to assit each member of our church as they grow in their relationship to God at each stage of life. Our Adult Ministry provides us opportunities to worship and serve our living God, fellowship with other believers as well as grow to become disciples of His Word. Whether you are looking for a Mens Ministry, a Womens Ministry, a Senior Adult Ministry, a Single Adult Ministry, a college aged class, a topical study group or a Sunday School Class to get involved in, we have a place for you. At Meadowood you will find friends for life.

Sunday Groups

Discipleship and community are two major components of what the Christian life, and our Sunday morning groups are intended to create environments where you can discover more about Jesus and the people who are following Him alongside you. From 9:15-10:20 each Sunday morning, you can come as you are to dig into the Bible and engage in discussions that will guide you throughout the rest of the week. Be sure come a little early to visit the welcome center in the adult classroom wing to snag a treat or a cup of coffee and enjoy additional fellowship with adults from other groups.

FOCUS Classes

Every Fall and Spring semester Meadowood offers a variety of short-term, focused studies to inform you on different aspects of the Bible, the Christian life and the community of faith. Our desire is to develop disciples by providing a diverse selection of engaging classes where you can deepen your understanding and apply biblical principles to your life. Spring 2019 Classes begin Sunday, January 13.

Other Opportunities for Community at Meadowood:

A mixed study is not always the most comfortable environment for involvement and community, which is why Meadowood is excited to offer these gender-specific ministries that provide a safe atmosphere for discipleship and growth.

Women of the Word (WOW)

Meadowood Men

If you're looking for a place to serve within Meadowood, there are a number of opportunities that will allow you to use the talents and passions God has gifted you with to make an impact in the ministry and growth of the church. We invite you to contact Jay Ramer, our minister of adult education, to discuss areas you might fit.