WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEAL: We are excited to have resumed Wednesday Night Meals this semester, and we invite you and your family to sign up to be part of these special opportunities to gather around the tables in fellowship. The tentative menu is posted.

Community Groups @ 9:30am | Sunday Service at 10:45am

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Our Mission Continues

For several months leaders in our church have worked on preparing a purpose statement for Meadowood that identifies what the Bible says about who we are and what we are to be about.
This purpose statement was worked on and developed in a Focus class led by Jay Ramer and myself. Joining in this effort were some deacons, Sunday School teachers, and various church members. All of our staff had input in the development of this statement, which reads as follows:
We are a family of Christ followers depending on Jesus committed to declaring God's Word, developing disciples, and deploying the church for His glory.
I am bringing a series of messages explaining the Biblical foundation for each expression in the purpose statement.
The past two weeks I have presented scripture showing we are indeed a spiritual family. With Christ as our Savior we are in God's family. We also studied in detail how the Lord brought us into His family. 
If you did not hear these messages I encourage you to go online at and watch these messages being delivered. If you would rather just listen, you can do that as well by going to the same web page and clicking on the "listen" button.
Our new website offers easy access from your computer or any mobile devices, allowing you to engage with us at home or on the go.
This Sunday on the 24th of March, I am preaching and teaching on the subject that we are Christ followers, and I will preach all the way through this purpose statement in the next weeks.
I hope you and your family will be in these services to share in these important lessons.
The purpose statement is not just words we are to memorized. They hold before us Biblical truths we are to live by.

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