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Moving Forward

Dear Meadowood Family,

I announced last Sunday that we are in the final year of our sacrificial giving campaign "Forward By Faith." 

Thus far $669,097 has been contributed. This is our people giving over and above their tithe to make it possible to pay for our new Welcome Center, the renovation of our offices, the beautification of the area between the Worship Center and the Adult Education Wing of the church, and placing new roofs on Meadowood's Fellowship Hall, the Adult Education Building, the office area, and the Worship Center.

I praise the Lord that you have given so generously. 

I am especially grateful for the provisions He has provided each of us to give.

For those of us who have been involved in this giving endeavor I encourage you to carry through your giving this last year of the "Forward By Faith" campaign.

If you are new to Meadowood, it is not too late for you to be involved. Pray, asking the Lord what He would have you give above your tithe to this endeavor and then start giving. Your contributions will be deeply appreciated. 


For the past twenty years we have been tremendously blessed to have Patsy Cellier lead our Prayer Ministry. 

Patsy has done a magnificent job in informing us of the hundreds of prayer requests that have come to the church office and of those given directly to her. 

Patsy is retiring from the leadership role she has held these past twenty years. Thankfully she will still be a part of the Prayer Ministry Team.

Patsy, we love you and thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord Jesus and for the excellent way you have led in the Prayer Ministry of Meadowood. 

Please know our Prayer Ministry will continue on.

When you have a prayer request you can notify the church office in one of two ways.

Call the church at 405-737-7684 and inform one of the secretaries, or you may email the request to

Hopefully we will remember the power of God is unleashed when His people pray.



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