WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEAL: We are excited to have resumed Wednesday Night Meals this semester, and we invite you and your family to sign up to be part of these special opportunities to gather around the tables in fellowship. The tentative menu is posted.

Community Groups @ 9:30am | Sunday Service at 10:45am

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The Coronavirus and Meadowood's Approach


Dear Meadowood Family,

The news of the past several days has focused on the Coronavirus. I want to assure you we are taking every precaution we can to keep you safe as you attend Meadowood.

Each week all of our restrooms are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.

The same is true for the children's area. Their rooms and toys are cleaned weekly. Each room has hand sanitizer for the children and teachers to use.

We also have hand sanitizer at various locations throughout the church and at the Rock House.

We are urging all who attend NOT to shake hands or hug. We stress this simply to be protective. We stress the importance of thorough hand washing. I am told a person should wash their hands at least 20 or 30 seconds and wash several times throughout the day.

I am encouraging anyone who is sick, or those who have health conditions that they feel makes them vulnerable to the virus, to stay home and not attend church. This seems so strange telling anyone not to attend church, as through the years I have always invited people to attend. Our main priority in the face of this virus is not the amount of people we have in attendance but rather the safety and well being of our members.

Please keep in mind that you can hear the messages on our webpage at

We are also presently working to have our services streamed live on Facebook. We will let you know when this occurs.

Finally I would stress to all of us the following:

One - be prayerful!  Trust the Lord and pray for His protection, blessing, and help. It does no good to worry, be fearful, live with a sense of dread or anticipate the worst. I urge you to live with thanksgiving for the greatness of our Savior and His power to protect, heal, and restore. Pray that He would give wisdom to doctors and medical researchers that they might find and develop a cure quickly.

Two - be faithful in giving. Whether one can attend or not it is crucial that we keep giving our tithes to support the ministries of the church and pay the bills that provide for the everyday operations of the church.

It is vital that we keep making our sacrificial gifts to the Forward by Faith campaign as the work continues to progress.

We also need to continue giving to our World Mission Offering that supports missions here and around the world.

Please remember that whether you can come or not, the bills that support these works for Christ never stop coming.

You can give by mailing your offering to:

   Meadowood Baptist Church
   2816 N Woodcrest Dr.
   Midwest City, OK  73110

You also have the option of giving online. Go to and click on the "giving" link on the home page.  Follow the link and instructions provided to set up an account to get started.

I look forward to what the Lord is going to do in these days. I am grateful we serve a Savior who can do miraculous works, not just in good times but in times of challenge and difficulty as well.

Blessings and protection to you and your family,




Thank you for asking, Jim. We do have a plan in place to address that concern so those who attend can still worship through giving without having to pass the plate.
Bob, I heard on both the local and national news that it was strongly suggested that churches should refrain from passing the offering plate. Would it be safer for us to have a collection box at each of our two entrances for the offerings? If you would prefer to use drop boxes, Judy and I could easily provide appropriate boxes. Jim

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