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A Very Special Day


Mother's Day is a special day as we have the privilege of honoring our wives, mothers, and women who have been like mothers to us. 

Thinking back over my life many women have acted and served as mothers in my behalf. Every year as we approach Mother's Day, I always think of them and thank the Lord for the love, guidance, comfort, and help they have given to me. I am especially grateful for my mother, my two grandmothers, for Wezie, who, along with her husband, my uncle Cleo, took me into their home and raised me after my dad and mom passed away, for my mother-in-law and most of all for my wife, Linda. She is a fantastic wife to me and an excellent mother and grandmother.

I hope you will take the time in these days leading up to Mother's Day to think about your mothers and grandmothers and what they have meant to you in the past and what they mean to you today. 

If you have been blessed to have a wonderful wife and mother and grandmothers you are indeed fortunate.

Proverbs 31:10 states, "An excellent wife who can find? For her worth is far above jewels."

The following verses in Proverbs relate how she cares for her husband and how she provides for her children. 

Her contributions are unending. She gives lovingly, sacrificially, and graciously to her family as well as to others. 

As a result her children and her husband bless her.

For those of us who have great wives and mothers we need to make special efforts to express our love, gratefulness, and appreciation to them.

It could be you did not have a mother like this. Not all people have good mothers. Should that be the case for you, I encourage you to pray for your mom. If you can, express love to her.

We do not know all the things that have gone on in a woman's life that would cause her not to be the best mom. I am not trying to make excuses for such women. I do know, however, that your prayers and love can be used of the Lord, not only to emotionally touch but to spiritually transform her life.

I also encourage you to think of mothers who have dealt with the death of their children. Women who go through this never forget. Mother's Day can be hard for them. Please join me in praying that the Lord would comfort their hearts.

I then think of women who want to have children but have thus far been unable to have a child. A woman can be deeply hurt over this. We need to remember and pray for any women we know who are in this situation.

Some women do not get to have children yet their lives make wonderful contributions.

Esther referred to in the Bible was the Queen. She may have had children but she may not have as there is no mention of it in the Bible. 

The same is true with Martha and Mary in the New Testament. In fact, we do not know if these sisters ever married. Yet these three women are some of the greatest people spoken of in Scripture. 

It is important to remember the quality of a woman's life is not determined by whether she has children or not. It is determined by her relationship to the Lord, how she loves and lives for Him, and how she loves and serves people.

You may not have a child but your life is as important as all other women.

I then consider mother's who have rebellious children. Even godly mothers face such a crisis. I want any mother who has lived for Christ and did the best that she could to raise her children to know that their rebellion is not a bad reflection on you. I hope you will pray for your children and take comfort in knowing that by your life and witness you have given them every opportunity to live their lives for Christ. If they choose not to that is not your fault and it does not mean you are not a good mother.

It is important to remember the quality of a woman's life is not determined by whether she has children or not. It is determined by her relationship to the Lord, how she loves and lives for Him, and how she loves and serves people.

For all of you who are women, mothers or not, who read this blog, I want to thank you for all you do in behalf of your families and others outside your family whom you invest your life in befriending and helping.

I pray you have a great Mother's Day and that the Lord richly blesses you every day.



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