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Tis The Season


Meadowood Family,

I love this time of year. The cooler weather in the fall is refreshing. The changing color of the foliage is gorgeous.

It becomes very special to me as we enter the months of November and December. 

November 11th is Veteran's Day. It is a time to remember the men and women who have served and are presently serving in the United States military.

Through the years thousands have served. Many have been injured. Great numbers have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Our military personnel, past and present, have served and are serving to protect the freedoms we enjoy.

Their sacrifices must never be forgotten. 

We should remember them on November 11th.

We should do more than that!

Today the statistics bear witness that on average 22 veterans end their lives every day. What a tragedy! Any help we can give to veterans and their families we should. 

We should also consecrate ourselves to preserve our freedoms. Those in the military have given and are giving their lives to protect us from enemies abroad who would take away our liberties. We must be ever vigilant to guard against enemies within. 

There are people in our country, in our schools, businesses, the news media, the entertainment industry, and even in our government who desire for us to be a socialist nation. This would bring irreparable harm to the citizens of America. It would be shameful if it ever occurred. 

In our past history our nation was founded on Judeo Christian values. The foremost value being liberty for all derived from God. Scores of men and women have suffered and died to maintain our freedom. It would be a travesty if we let it slip away. Pray for America and be engaged in advocating for religious liberty, justice, righteousness, work, family, unity, honesty, equality, and dependence on the Lord. Also vote for those who stand for these time honored principles. The future of our country hangs in the balance.


I then think of Thanksgiving. 

As followers of Jesus we should live with gratitude in our hearts every day. The Lord Jesus has done so much for us by allowing us to be in relationship with Him. He is ever present to watch over us. He is always eager to forgive us. He guides us. He bestows on us blessings only He can give.

As you gather with your families this Thanksgiving I hope it will be a time when you and your loved ones express genuine gratitude to the Lord for Who He is and for all that He has done, is doing, and will do in your lives. 

The greatest privilege in life is knowing Him. We should always have an attitude of gratitude!


I am happy to inform you that we are underway with our renovation project creating a Welcome Center, redoing the men's and women's restrooms, enlarging the hallway leading to the Welcome Center, remodeling the office area, and creating a beautiful courtyard between the Adult Education Building and the Worship Center.

Your generous gifts to the Forward By Faith Campaign are making this possible.

We have a year and two months left in the campaign. I hope each of us will continue to give, sacrificially, joyously, and expectantly as we anticipate the continued blessing of God at Meadowood.

So far $629,442.70 has been given in Forward By Faith. Our goal is $868,000. May the Lord inspire us to give in a way that will honor Him.



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