FIFTH SUNDAY: Launching in September, Meadowood is excited to host a special time of worship as we gather for Hymn Sing on the fifth Sunday of any month.

Community Groups @ 9:30am | Sunday Service at 10:45am

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A Little Hiccup, An Unfortunate Impact

Sometimes the little things can get overlooked and make a big impact on what we've come to see as normal. This morning is one example of that as a small mistake prevented us from a smooth live stream of the service.

Over the past few months, we have gone from a non-existent broadcast to one of necessity. What was pieced together in a frenzy is now a much more sophisticated presentation using technology our media team is still familiarizing itself with. We knew there would be hiccups, but like a kid with actual hiccups, we still wish they would just go away and will try anything to make that possible.

We know it's frustrating when you can't watch remotely. Part of the reason we offer the live stream each week is to allow those who cannot be present and those who are uncomfortable being present to participate in the service as we hear from God and worship the Savior together as a church.

Thank you for your great patience as we continue to learn and make our online broadcast the best we have to offer. As always, we'll work to upload the audio and video here on so that you can still enjoy the message and grow along with us.


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