Why You Should Be In a D Group
September 15, 2021 by Staff
Category: Discipleship | discipleship, D Groups, Meadowood, mission
Developing disciples is a key component in Meadowood’s mission to impact Mid-Del communities for Christ. We want to declare God’s Word, develop disciples and deploy the church for His glory.
On Sunday, Meadowood kicked off a new endeavor called D Groups. The D is for discipleship, and that is what these small groups of 4-5 men and women are designed to focus on.
But if I’m already attending regularly and participating in a Community Group, why would I want to spend another hour of my time involved in a group like this? What if I’ve been a Christian for a long time?
D Groups Develop Disciples
One well-known speaker and missiologist has said: “You don’t multiply what you want. You multiply who you are.” That’s what D groups are all about—walking the way of Christ together. They are crafted in such a way that groups members will be able to see each other’s walk with Christ and challenge one another to live a life worthy of the calling.
Through Scripture memory, Bible study, accountability and community, these groups allow believers to shape one another to look more and more like Jesus.
D Groups Equip Disciple Makers
Believers have so much to learn from one another as we seek Christ together.
Perhaps you have been walking with Jesus for a long time. You know the ins and outs and can answer just about any questions posed to you by insiders looking to grow and outsiders investigating your faith. That’s great!
But there are others inside Meadowood—and outside your community group—who could benefit greatly from your insights and Christian walk. These are people like you. They want to grow in Christ and serve Him in the church and outside it. Maybe they’ve never been discipled and are just trying to figure it all out. Perhaps their discipleship experience has been somewhat lacking or unhelpful for healthy Christian growth.
These groups offer you the opportunity to disciple others who can then disciple others.
D Groups Help Fulfill Meadowood’s Mission
Community groups and worship services are great opportunities for people to connect and worship together. That is what they are designed to do in tandem with instruction from and in God’s Word. But each of these offer an incomplete discipleship avenue even when combined together.
At the center of the D Groups strategy is the desire to see the church develop disciples, and everyone should want to be part of that.
So what are D Groups?
Think of it in terms of three concentric circles.
The large outer circle represents the church as a whole, where anyone can participate in worship and hear the Word of God declared (the first major piece of Meadowood’s mission).
Moving inward, the middle circle is where Community Groups (and other affinity groups) come in. These can be multigenerational and typically involve men and women who study Scripture and experience community through weekly meetings and events that can include the whole family.
Then we move to the inner circle, where D Groups live.
Each D Group is a small band of people of the same gender who meet together weekly for Scripture memory, Bible application, encouragement and accountability. They walk through a book of the Bible as part of a daily personal quiet time in preparation for a weekly group gathering.
D Groups are NOT classes in which we sit and are taught. Rather, group members will commit to the study and to one another as each is conformed more into the image of Christ.
D groups are for new believers and longtime followers of Christ and everyone in between. They serve as a strategic opportunity to foster community in the church as we point one another toward Jesus.
So, since D Groups are for anyone and everyone, we look forward to seeing you participate in this new endeavor.
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