WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEAL: We are excited to have resumed Wednesday Night Meals this semester, and we invite you and your family to sign up to be part of these special opportunities to gather around the tables in fellowship. The tentative menu is posted.

Community Groups @ 9:30am | Sunday Service at 10:45am

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A Few Adjustments


Wow! What a week we've been through at Meadowood!

Sunday, August 23 was wonderful as we experienced community and worshipped Jesus together. Bob's message (which we're still working to produce in video and audio formats) outlined the importance of growing toward maturity as a follower of Christ.

Little did we know the immediate test we would experience as storms rolled through the area Monday night.

The wind and rain did a number on our building, especially the roof of our worship center. Heavy rains collected and poured into the worship center, choir room and music library. Our balcony flooded, and the water rolled down the stairs and broked through the balcony floor.

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Walls, pews, hymnals, Bibles, sound and video equipment, music instruments, carpet, chairs, and our iconic podium were affected in dramatic ways. It was shocking to see the impact.

However, it was even more astounding to see your response in the aftermath. Many of you came not just to see but to serve and support the staff and crews already on hand. Some gathered to pray. Some hauled away debris and worked to preserve salvageable materials. All, while dismayed at how it all looked, were eager to share in the restoration process.

climbing prayer

smiles rooftp

And so, as the crews work to bring our worship center and choir room back to functionality, we look ahead and prepare to continue the mission God has given us. We move forward praising Him as we watch Him once again prove His faithfulness to His people.

This Sunday, as you prepare your hearts to worship, expect to experience some adjustments, but know our typical Sunday schedule will still be in effect.

Our Community Groups will still meet at 9:15, but there will be some adjustments to the usual locations. The greeters will be on site to welcome you and guide you to your classrooms. Rest assured that Meadowood Kids will still gather and grow in their secure areas.

Meadowood's 10:30 worship service will now take place in the Fellowship Hall, where we believe we'll have plenty of space for everyone. It will look and probably feel a little different, but we'll be glad to worship with you in this new setting.

Note: We must limit the entrances to our facilities. For safety purposes, we'll be directing everyone to enter the building through the Fellowship Hall and under the awning that leads to the "rollercoaster hallway".

Please steer clear of the worship center. We'll continue to post pictures so you can see the progress, but we're asking everyone to undamaged areas of the building.

Despite these adjustments, let's enjoy community together. 

Come sing, worship and celebrate the work God has done and continues to do even in difficult and inconvenient circumstances.

Come with excitement. With anticipation. With flexibility!

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Your extended Baptist family in Midwest City is lifting you to the Father and stands ready to help in any and all ways possible.

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