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Advent Daily Devotional: December 11


December 11 by Beverly Young

Reading: Luke 1:51-53
The Bible is full of fascinating stories from beginning to end of men and women, ordinary people, who became extraordinary heroes of faith. They all had their weaknesses, doubts, and fears about their ability to fulfill God’s plan for their life, but they trusted, believed, and followed God’s direction; although it did take some longer than others to yield to this plan. Also, some of these people were very young at the time-teenagers! They were not full of pride, conceit, and arrogance; but, they were full of faith, humility, and a willingness to obey God.
Mary, the mother. of Jesus, was certainly one of those faithful, obedient servants. Mary was a simple, young woman from Nazareth; she was ordinary and considered herself a lowly maidservant of God, yet she had extraordinary Godly character. God chose Mary to be the blessed mother of our Lord and Savior-Jesus Christ! Of course, Mary was stunned, afraid, worried, and somewhat reluctant; however she responded in belief, trust, and humble submission. She accepted her role as a simple servant of the Lord, because “He was the Mighty One, the Holy One who has done great things, and He would exalt the lowly”. There was no pride or arrogance in Mary because she was filled with love, faith, and praise; she rejoiced in a beautiful song to her Lord for blessing her among all women with the child that would one day become the Savior of the world!!!

As we enter this wonderful season of CHRISTMAS celebrating the birth of Christ, may we do so with a humble spirit, a heart full of God’s love, and a willingness to share that love with all those around us. Just like Mary we too are chosen for a purpose, filled with the Holy Spirit, and blessed beyond measure with a life in Christ that is extraordinary! Let us also sing our Christmas hymns of praise and celebrate all the great and mighty things God has done, is doing, and is going to do for us, with us, and through us for HIS KINGDOM and HIS GLORY!!

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