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Advent Daily Devotional: December 19


December 19 by Pat Pierce

Reading: Luke 2:16-19

When the shepherds had come and seen Him with their own eyes, they hurried to tell others the news. “And all who heard were filled with wonder.” The Messiah they’d prayed for and desired to see for so long had come!

Is it true? Have you heard the news the shepherds bring? We’ve waited so long for the Messiah to come! Praise God! The prophecy is fulfilled!

Yes! That would have been me! I’d have been shouting for joy and dropping everything to go see Him…wouldn’t I?

Is it true? You heard this from shepherds? You can’t believe a thing they say. God promised us a King! A Savior wouldn’t be born in a barn! We will wait until the real Messiah comes.

A miracle had occurred right in their midst…and yet many saw nothing wonderful at all. They had missed it completely.

I don’t want to miss Him! I want to feel wonder! When the stores are crowded, the gifts aren’t wrapped and the turkey’s not thawed, I want the manger to make me catch my breath. I want to drop to my knees and worship with the shepherds. And I never want to take for granted this glorious gift from God that I did nothing to deserve.

This Christmas, come back to the stable and remember what it means to wonder. Look with new eyes on an old story, and let it take your breath away.

“One small child in a land of a thousand,
One small dream of a Savior tonight.
One small hand reaching out to the starlight,
One small Savior of life.”
“One Small Child” by David Meece

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