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Still Thankful


In a season like we’ve been experiencing, it can be a difficult attitude for our hearts to foster. What do we have to be thankful for when so much is stripped away, when “normal” seems so distant, when frustration and fear and pain and despair are very real and very near?

In reality. We have everything to be thankful for, though we sometimes lose sight of these things amidst our circumstances. The wind and the waves of life become too much for us, and in fear we turn our eyes from what is sure and true in. We step away from our refuge in Christ and experience the full brunt on the world’s chaos. When all that is going on hits hardest, when computer screens replace in-person gatherings, when distance becomes the rule of thumb, we struggle to gratefulness.

Yet we are commanded to give thanks, and we are told in Scripture that this is precisely the attitude God wants from us and expects to be an ever-present condition of our hearts. It is His command because He knows our hearts need even though we don’t crave it. Thankfulness is His will because it is good for us and much more our world. When we are thankful for what we have been given and for what God has led us into and through, we will be a much brighter light to those around us.

May they see our gratitude in all things as we rejoice in Him, and may God use these to draw others to Himself even now.

Be thankful today. And keep giving thanks to God. Always.

“Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”1 Thessalonians 5 16-17

And, Meadowood, we are incredibly and eternally thanful for you!!

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