WEATHER ALERTS: A winter weather pattern is expected this week. We will keep you posted on any changes to our weekly calendar here, through Facebook and our text line.

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Posts Tagged with "prayer"

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Call and Response: A Challenge

It might not feel like it weather-wise, but summer is winding down. And that means the start of school and new opportunities for your to gather, serve and pray in the name of Jesus. The challenge is clear when we look at Jeremiah 33....

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Hold the Rope


We are called to "hold the rope" for one another as we walk through days of joy and sorrow, smoothness and struggle. Meadowood Youth got to learn this during a recent DiscipleNow weekend....

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Prayer Opportunities

Meadowood's prayer ministry has created an easy an interactive board where you can post prayer requests and pick up cards to assist you in praying for Meadowood and the Mid-Del communities....

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Moving Forward

As we move deeper into 2022, Bob wanted to give a couple of important updates involving the Forward by Faith sacrificial giving campaign and Meadowood's prayer ministry....

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One Weekend, Dual Significance


This weekend is significant for two reasons, and Bob wanted to address them both in this little Meadowood blog post....

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Healing the Land

The National Day of Prayer is a call to focus our prayers for the nation, but it is not intended to be the only time we seek God's face for our land. We are to lift our prayers for our nation often...

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 4


Anticipation is part of the holiday season. We look forward to gifts and hope for an assortment of blessings. But the same should be true of our anticipation of Christ to come....

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Virtual Shepherding


Seminaries don't offer a class on virtual shepherding or how to do ministry when you can't do ministry in person for an extended period. So as the global pandemic continues to shift the rhythms of the world, let us remember to pray for the leaders God has given us....

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Back to School: A Call to Focused Prayer


The beginning of another school year is near, and Bob wanted to share an encouraging letter containing a special call to prayer from someone who has invested his life in serving students....

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Falls Creek: Strategic Prayer


Meadowood is sending another large, unique group of students and sponsors to Falls Creek to connect with each other and with God. Not everyone can experience a week at the Creek, but we can all pray for those who do....

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