SPECIAL NOTES: On December 1, we will take up a special "first fruit" offering specifically for World Missions. Also, because of the holiday, Meadowood members will vote on the 2025 budget on December 8.

Community Groups @ 9:30am | Sunday Service at 10:45am

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Falls Creek: Day 1


Campers and sponsors made it safely to Falls Creek and experienced all the fun the first day their could pack into it. Thank you for taking time this week to pray for those who have gathered at the camp.

We're going to do our best to keep you updated with what they are experiencing throughout the Week at the Creek, so check back here on the blog and participate in some of the fun conversations and other posts over on Meadowood's Facebook page.

Here are a few photos from Day 1:

 stirringupsomething  coolandcookies  chiefinvestigatorepling

 mysterystage  largegroup



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