FIFTH SUNDAY: Launching in September, Meadowood is excited to host a special time of worship as we gather for Hymn Sing on the fifth Sunday of any month.

Community Groups @ 9:30am | Sunday Service at 10:45am

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Posts Tagged with "2019"

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Falls Creek: Day 1


The first day at Falls Creek is complete, and we thought we'd do our best to keep you updated on all the goings-on taking place during Meadowood's "Week at the Creek."...

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The Final Days of Jesus: Wednesday


Another day in the Holy Week brings another step closer to the cross for Jesus, and our focus now turns to the opposition that has been pushing for this itinerant teacher to be removed from the scene before He disrupts all of Jewish life and belief during the most important time in the Jewish calendar as the people flocked to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover....

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Starting 2019 Rightly


At the start of 2019, let's consider a simple way we can pledge this new year to a whole-hearted pursuit of Jesus no matter what the months ahead hold in store for us....

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