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Advent Daily Devotional: December 29


December 29 by Kim Smith

Reading: Luke 2:48-50

As a parent, this passage always makes me think of the worry Mary must have felt when she realized Jesus was missing, and the relief that must have washed over her when he was found.  Mary knew Jesus would one day be the Messiah, but she didn’t know exactly what that would mean for her son.  Jesus is trying to learn all he can as he is listening and asking questions.  Even though he was only 12, he already had an increasing sense of purpose to do his heavenly father’s will, that Mary couldn’t understand.  Mary didn’t have the knowledge we have today.  She didn’t have the gospels to read to understand the path her son would have to take.  The passion to do his father’s will was already there at 12 years old, and he wanted to learn as much as he could.  It reminds me that God can give our children a passion to do his work even though they are young.  It is my job to teach them all I can about God no matter what their age.

Our family loves Christmas.  We love to decorate, shop for gifts, and watch Christmas movies.  The first decoration that goes up in our house is a Nail Christmas Ornament. The attached card reads, “This is The Christmas Nail. It is to be hung on a sturdy branch, a branch near the trunk, a branch that will hold such a spike without being noticed by well-wishers dropping by to admire one's tinseled tree. The nail is known only to the home that hangs it. Understood only by the heart that knows its significance. It is hung with the thought...that the Christmas tree but foreshadows the Christ-tree which only He could decorate for us, ornamented with nails as this.” We also begin on December 1st and read a chapter in Luke each day.  We begin with the birth of Jesus in chapter 1 and finish with his ascension into Heaven on Christmas Eve.  It helps us to keep our focus on Jesus and all he did for us.  Just as Mary didn’t fully understand God’s plan for her son, I don’t know what God has planned for my children.  However, I hope to be able to point them to him every chance I get!

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