FIFTH SUNDAY: Launching in September, Meadowood is excited to host a special time of worship as we gather for Hymn Sing on the fifth Sunday of any month.

Community Groups @ 9:30am | Sunday Service at 10:45am

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Posts Tagged with "Christmas"

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December Calendar Update, Part 2

Now that we're nearing the mid-point of December, Meadowood wanted to give you another brief update on what's coming up through Christmas!...

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 29


Every family celebrates Christmas a little differently. But the whole point for parents and singles alike is to point others to the One who came to redeem sinful people and bridge the chasm that separates us from our Creator....

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 25


The Christmas story, though clouded by modern commercialism and distractions, is one that forces people to respond to the God who comes to save them from sin and cleanse them from all unrighteousness. How will you respond today?...

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 24


Frenzy, chaos and anxiety are words that we could easily use to describe the modern Christmas experience. But Advent is a reminder to pause and ponder the depths to which God's love is gloriously displayed. So pause and worship this King born to set you free!...

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 14


There's something about the Christmas season that brings out special memories for those who believe and obey God's Spirit as He moves in us, and sometimes the most seemingly insignificant things can have the greatest impact for His Kingdom....

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Merry Christmas, Meadowood!

Christmas is a time to take it all in. Each year, Christmas rolls around, forcing us to pause. We remember, and we look ahead. We think of the Christmases we knew growing up. The laughter and fun. The celebrations big and small we shared with others....

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A Little Opportunity for a Big Change


God can use even the smallest we can offer to advance the gospel, and Meadowood has a great opportunity to be a blessing to kids all over the world for the sake of Christ!...

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What Advent Means to Me


Advent triggers in my mind words like hope, peace, and love. The first advent signals the coming of Jesus Christ into the world as Savior. He came because of His love for the whole world. His coming makes possible the potential for anyone to experience His hope and peace and love. These qualities will only be realized, however, in the lives of those who receive Him as th...

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