March 23, 2021
Easter 2021
| Tags: Easter, family, sacrifice, celebrate, Jesus, gospel
There are many ways people celebrate Easter. Some are in keeping with the clear message of the gospel portrayed in the sacrificial death and glorious resurrection of Christ. Others are not. Amidst the pastel colors, sharp attire and eggs galore, how can Meadowood families truly celebrate this holy day?...
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December 29, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: celebrate, family, parents, Christmas, Luke, guide
Every family celebrates Christmas a little differently. But the whole point for parents and singles alike is to point others to the One who came to redeem sinful people and bridge the chasm that separates us from our Creator....
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December 23, 2020
by Staff
| Tags: family, joy, hope, love, redemption
The most precious parts of Christmas are the moments we share with those we care about as we recall the grand story of redemption that began for us in that little manger. It's a salvation available to all, and in that we rejoice!...
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April 9, 2020
by Bob Rutherford
| Tags: team, staff, ministry, family, teamwork, cooperation, volunteers
It takes a team to make Meadowood go, and God has assembled a tremendous family of people to keep things moving forward during this time of uncertainty. Bob wanted to take a few moments to express his appreciation for the team he's been blessed to serve alongside....
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