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The Final Days of Jesus: Friday


The darkest of days dawns after a mostly sleepless night of prayer. The authorities have moved swiftly to condemn and capture Jesus and to remove the so-called Rabbi from the equation. His trials were compromised, and yet He still welcomes the brutal measures of punishment and even death. Jesus doesn't even put up a fight. But for what purpose?

Something bigger must be happening. As we look back, we can grow desensitized to it. The story of "Good Friday" is so commonplace, so normal today that we think we know it all. But, today is a day to pause and remember the price paid. Its brutality is only matched by the beauty of what His body and His blood signify and bring to bear on our lives. There is glory in this suffering.

On Friday, the leader of this new movement hangs on a cross, and He will die and be buried. But the Holy Week story is not complete.

If you'd like closed captions, you can watch this video on YouTube.

For previous installments of this Holy Week blog experience based on Crossway's book The Final Days of Jesus, click on the images below:

Palm Sunday














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