Know God Personally
This message is for everyone. It contains love, hope, and life-changing truths. These four principles will help you discover how to know God personally and experience the abundant life He promised....
Keep ReadingHave you ever wondered why we sing the same song each Sunday morning during Advent? There is reason behind it as Dr. Chism instructs us here....
It might not feel like it weather-wise, but summer is winding down. And that means the start of school and new opportunities for your to gather, serve and pray in the name of Jesus. The challenge is clear when we look at Jeremiah 33....
Amid Sunday morning's circumstances, namely the impending departure of Randy Lind, we neglected to mention the special Mother's Day offering we encourage our people to give to in support of some very special local ministries. But you still have the opportunity to give....
Easter is obviously a special season in the church calendar. We look forward to it every year as we focus our gaze and attention to Calvary and the tomb. There is glory in these days as we remember the cost of our redemption and celebrate the greatest gift that could ever be given....
One of the clearest pathways to honoring Christ in our lives is by focusing ourselves on humility in the same manner our Savior did....
We are called to "hold the rope" for one another as we walk through days of joy and sorrow, smoothness and struggle. Meadowood Youth got to learn this during a recent DiscipleNow weekend....
Each of us is called to leave a legacy of faith for emerging generations to see what faith—even with it's many ups and downs—looks like in our world....
There is nothing more fundamental to the Christian experience than the call to love one another and everyone. In fact, it is how we are most closely identified with Christ. We are most like Him when we love....
All activities scheduled for January 14, 2024 have been canceled due to the extreme weather conditions....
Meadowood's prayer ministry has created an easy an interactive board where you can post prayer requests and pick up cards to assist you in praying for Meadowood and the Mid-Del communities....
Meadowood Kids is excited to welcome Mid-Del families to Vacation Bible School 2022, which fetures an archeology theme that will help children dig deeper into their understanding of Christ and His call to share the gospel throughout the world....
This June, Meadowood will be taking students and volunteers to Falls Creek for another whirlwind adventure in one of the best places on Earth....
As we move deeper into 2022, Bob wanted to give a couple of important updates involving the Forward by Faith sacrificial giving campaign and Meadowood's prayer ministry....
How do we worship all doesn't feel as well as we expected it should, especially at this time of year, when all can feel a whole lot less than well? The truth is, songs aren't mean to fake us into emotions and feelings. Rather, they are to express to God what we believe about God and understand from our circumstances....
Now that we're nearing the mid-point of December, Meadowood wanted to give you another brief update on what's coming up through Christmas!...
There are some special events peppered throughout December at Meadowood, and Bob wanted to make sure everyone was aware of the opportunities we have to celebrate the season and worship together....
Advent is a time of expectation realized and joy maximized. But in the midst of the chaos around us, we can easily begin to wonder if things are really as secure as we've been led to believe....
If we're not careful and attentive, we might just miss the best this season has to offer us. And that means we might wake up after it's over to realize how similar we really are to those who missed the opportunity to welcome Jesus properly about 2000 years ago. ...
This time of year is special for many reasons, and Meadowood is excited to share it with you!...
We've got a few good reasons you should consider joining one of Meadowood's brand new D Groups....
Bob and Linda Rutherford share their gratitude for the many blessings Meadowood bestowed upon them in celebration of their 50th anniversary....
As we move deeper into August, Meadowood is excited at the opportunities we have to resume and launch ministries that can make an eternal impact in the lives of any who attend. We hope you will join with us as events continue to fill our schedule....
Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children hosts its annual back-to-school style show in early August, and Meadowood is invited to participate in this special night!...
This entire year has been something else. But as chaotic as it may feel, we can rest assured that Christ's call to care for others and share the gospel in Christian ministry is ever-present. We have an opportunity and a privilege to make Christ known through Master's Market....
Authenticity is critical if the church is going to have an impact on our world for Christ. How can you live today in such a way that the gospel is more real to yourself and to those you interact with?...
This weekend is significant for two reasons, and Bob wanted to address them both in this little Meadowood blog post....
The National Day of Prayer is a call to focus our prayers for the nation, but it is not intended to be the only time we seek God's face for our land. We are to lift our prayers for our nation often...
Mother's Day is a tremendous opportunity for us to celebrate the important role women and mothers have in our lives....
There are many ways people celebrate Easter. Some are in keeping with the clear message of the gospel portrayed in the sacrificial death and glorious resurrection of Christ. Others are not. Amidst the pastel colors, sharp attire and eggs galore, how can Meadowood families truly celebrate this holy day?...
Easter proclaims a simple story about an event that impacts the entire universe. It's must bigger than we could ever imagine, and Jesus demonstrates His power over all things, including death. This should give us hope in the world in which we are called to live for Him....
The story of Jesus missing from the caravan home can seem a little overblown, but it became a teaching moment for His parents and for us to see what the true work of the Father was and remains. Jesus has work to do, even at a young age, and He diligently sets about it by visiting His Father's house and speaking the Word with any who would...
Jesus formative years were a learning experience for everyone. Even though we get very little information about his growing up, we see in at least one little snippet how committed He is to His Father's purposes and plans to bring rescue. Even when his parents didn't "get it," He still pursued His work....
Every family celebrates Christmas a little differently. But the whole point for parents and singles alike is to point others to the One who came to redeem sinful people and bridge the chasm that separates us from our Creator....
Jesus was always in the sure hands of His Father, even when His earthly mom and dad lost track of Him. Isn't it good to know that we, too, can rest secure in the gentle and expert care of our Father?!...
When we think of the birth of Jesus, sacrifice isn't really the most prominent theme we consider. But sacrifice is at the heart of all that God intended to accomplish through His Son's work in the world....
Christmas is now behind us, but the reality of Christ's arrival now sets in for us. How will we respond as He works in our lives today?...
The Christmas story, though clouded by modern commercialism and distractions, is one that forces people to respond to the God who comes to save them from sin and cleanse them from all unrighteousness. How will you respond today?...
Frenzy, chaos and anxiety are words that we could easily use to describe the modern Christmas experience. But Advent is a reminder to pause and ponder the depths to which God's love is gloriously displayed. So pause and worship this King born to set you free!...
The most precious parts of Christmas are the moments we share with those we care about as we recall the grand story of redemption that began for us in that little manger. It's a salvation available to all, and in that we rejoice!...
Christmas comes at the end of the calendar year, but the Christmas story is just the start of all that God seeks to accomplish in and through those He came to save. Just like everything He does, there is purpose in the method in which He stepped into our circumstances. And it all leads us to rejoice in the God who comes for us!...
Perhaps the waiting really is the hardest part of Christmas. God's people had waited a long, long time for the promised arrival! But only a select few actually knew what they were seeing....
Mary bore the Savior she, too, needed to overcome the sin in her life, and as we retell the Christmas story, we acknowledge all humanity's need for Christ Jesus to come for us....
Don't let the wildness of the modern Christmas experience distract you from soaking in the truth that makes the season so special....
Advent isn't really that complicated. Understanding it does not necessitate a seminary degree or advanced study or oratorical eloquence. In fact, it's a pretty simple story with a clear message that hope and joy and peace are available for us if we would only believe....
Jesus comes to us in an unexpected way, and we ought to rejoice in the humble and personal way in which He arrives....
Mary and Joseph are making their way to Bethlehem. Can you imagine the struggle they must have endured physically, emotionally and relationally to get them through?...
The REAL magic of Christmas isn't in the glitz and glitter of presents and trees and lights but rather in the reality that God would move heaven and earth to come to us and for us. Now, that's some Great News for everyone!...
There's something about the Christmas season that brings out special memories for those who believe and obey God's Spirit as He moves in us, and sometimes the most seemingly insignificant things can have the greatest impact for His Kingdom....
Outside of the Christmas story, there's not much mention of Joseph. About all we get about him comes in the simple phrase "being a righteous man..." So what can we possibly learn from this man spoken so very little of in Scripture? And how can we exalt God better because of it?...
Advent is a season of peace as we pause to remember God's merciful compassion on mankind, to whom He offers redemption through His only Son sent to set us free and guide our feet into the way of peace....
God uses ordinary people to tell His extraordinary tale of salvation, and we get another glimpse of the lowliest people who show themselves to be faithful to the Lord. He is still up to extraordinary things today....
Mary's Magnificat may have a strange name to our ears, but it is pure worship from the mother of Christ. Young, probably scared and of next to no importance up until these moments, Mary is deemed highly blessed and favored by God. If He would know and honor someone in her position, what's stopping Him from the same in your life?...
Each Advent season, we are reminded afresh of the joy inherent in the Christmas story. We look back and see all Christ has done for us and in us. In these things, we rejoice, and we aren't the only ones! Let's spread that joy around this season!...
Impossible is not a word that hinders God, and that should be a tremendous encouragement for us in the year we've endured and the future we look toward. He is not phased by our circumstances....
Mary continues to be an encouragement for believers today. That first Christmas wasn't a piece of cake for her. It wasn't what it has become for us. For her, it probably looked and felt a lot more like what 2020 has been....
In today's world, listening can prove difficult. But when we do actually hear, how will we respond?...
The answer to the old song "Mary, Did You Know" is really quite simple. Yes, she knew in part because she was told. But what she didn't understand, what she had no vision for at such a young age and after so much silence from God, filled her with fear. Yet, she acknowledged her fears and lack of vision but humbled herself in following the Lord. How can we do likewise?...
Anticipation is part of the holiday season. We look forward to gifts and hope for an assortment of blessings. But the same should be true of our anticipation of Christ to come....
The lineage of Jesus tells an amazing story that unfolds in the pages of Scripture. And one of the best parts is believers are now part of that lineage, and it's only the start of the adventure!...
Advent is a special season, and ever person has a story to tell. Enjoy these daily devotionals penned by the people of Meadowood as we experience this holiday season together in 2020....
Start the Advent journey together with this first post in our Advent Daily Devotional. We launch into the season with a look at the one who paved the way for Jesus' arrival....
In this introduction, executive pastor Jay Ramer sets the tone for our Advent Daily Devotional with an encouraging look at what we've experienced in the last 18 months....
What if we told you that you are commanded to be thankful? We're sure that makes gratitude so much easier to have as part of your life amidst a global pandemic and all the chaos of our world. Gratitude is an expectation, and it is God's will for us. How will that change your attitude this holiday season?...
Often enough, it can feel like God's ways don't add up in the ways we calculate. But is that because His math is off or because we aren't as receptive to His methods of shaping us?...
Enjoy this third part in our six-week virtual FOCUS Class study of 1 & 2 Peter led by executive pastor Jay Ramer....
We're so excited we still have ways to study God's Word together, even if we can't gather in person. So, grab your Bible, get comfortable and enjoy this six-week video study of 1 and 2 Peter being led by our own executive pastor Jay Ramer....
We're so excited we still have ways to study God's Word together, even if we can't gather in person. So, grab your Bible, get comfortable and enjoy this six-week video study of 1 and 2 Peter being led by our own executive pastor Jay Ramer....
Bob is inviting Meadowood to prayer at noon each of the next 40 days, and he wanted to give a little clearer direction to our prayers as we embark on this journey together. Will you commit to pray each day?...
Community Groups at Meadowood have resumed meeting in person each Sunday morning at 10:30am. We believe we can meet safely and still provide a virtual opportunity for those who are uncomfortable gathering....
Praise the Lord! We've waited a long time to be able to gather in our Worship Center on Sunday mornings. Beginning June 21, we'll be able to do so each Sunday morning!...
With the new Sunday and events schedule starting to move toward some sense of normalcy, we wanted to give you an update about why we're looking to re-launch Community Groups and other smaller group activities for families. 2020 has been an adventure for all of us, and we are eager to grow with you in the weeks and months to come....
Despite the current circumstances around the world, God continues to prove Himself faithful. At Meadowood, we see that very clearly in your commitment to faithfulness in giving as our Forward by Faith campaign continues to progress. Bob wanted to give everyone an update on where things stand in the process....
We had a little hiccup this morning that prevented a smooth live stream, and we thank you for your great patience as our volunteer media team continues to learn the ins and outs of the extensive new system in our Worship Center....
You've probably heard that Oklahoma's governor has begun to gradually reopen the state to pre-coronavirus levels. You may furthermore be wondering what that means for Meadowood, so we asked Bob to give everyone an update about the church's plans moving forward....
Amy Campbell and the Meadowood Kids team has been hard at work delivering learning opportunities for our children during this global pandemic. It's not as easy as it may seem, and Kayte Spillman has taken some time to share a behind-the-scenes look at the heart of these programs....
It takes a team to make Meadowood go, and God has assembled a tremendous family of people to keep things moving forward during this time of uncertainty. Bob wanted to take a few moments to express his appreciation for the team he's been blessed to serve alongside....
Seminaries don't offer a class on virtual shepherding or how to do ministry when you can't do ministry in person for an extended period. So as the global pandemic continues to shift the rhythms of the world, let us remember to pray for the leaders God has given us....
Thanks to technology, we can stay connected with important updates. Emergency circumstances cannot stop prayer, and Bob wanted to give direction to our prayers....
Bob wanted to give us a visual update on how things are progressing in the areas that were damaged by the storms last year. The choir room and the worship center are coming along nicely, so let's rejoice in all God is doing!...
Coronavirus is causing shifts in much of our daily lives. While we earnestly desire to gather the Meadowood family on Sunday mornings, we're adjusting to the recommendations of federal, state and community leaders by choosing to clear the Meadowood calendar for the next two weeks. But, we do intend to offer a distinctly Meadowood alternative to your Sunday mornings!...
With a near constant stream of updates, news and information, the coronavirus pandemic has begun to drastically affect many aspects of our lives. We know you have very real concerns about these developments. Our hope is to prevent the spread of the virus in our own community while still recognizing the sovereign God who is in control of all things and appropriately caring for all those who have been and will be affected....
Lent is not a big part of Meadowood's liturgy. Though there can be benefits to personal "sacrifices" during the season, we must be careful how we approach this season of "giving up."...
A refuge is a place of safety in the midst of difficult storms that arise throughout life. There is no greater refuge than Christ, but the church is meant to be a refuge as well as people are rocked by the storms of life. This weekend is a perfect chance for the church to invest in Meadowood Youth....
Having moved into the construction phase of our capital stewardship campaign, we wanted to give you an update as to where things stand. Projects have begun and some have even been completed. There is still plenty more to accomplish, but we are excited at what God is doing at Meadowood!...
Recent storms took a toll on the Meadowood facilities, especially the worship center. However, even the damage wrought by these storms can be seen as a blessing and a springboard into the "abundantly more" God has in store for His people....
Christmas is a time to take it all in. Each year, Christmas rolls around, forcing us to pause. We remember, and we look ahead. We think of the Christmases we knew growing up. The laughter and fun. The celebrations big and small we shared with others....
Meadowood kids launched its first-ever Awana Clubs on Wednesday evenings this Fall, and Amy wanted to give you a quick recap of how things have gone as we head into the Christmas break....
On December 8, the Meadowood membership joined together to pledge their commitment to the Forward by Faith capital stewardship campaign, and Bob wanted to give a brief update following this special Sunday....
God can use even the smallest we can offer to advance the gospel, and Meadowood has a great opportunity to be a blessing to kids all over the world for the sake of Christ!...
Meadowood's Worship Center sustained severe damage as a result of August storms. The Fellowship Hall has served as our main gathering place each Sunday morning. We know discouragement can be a very real possibility, especially when you may not see or hear of the progress being made in repairs. So, Bob has chosen to let us in on where things stand and how Meadowood continues to move forward....
Because of this week's storms, Meadowood will look a little different as we gather each Sunday morning until restoration work in our Worship Center is complete. We wanted to take a moment and share some adjustments we're asking our guests and members to prepare for upon arrival this Sunday....
Over the last several Sundays, we've been looking at discipleship and its two pillars...
The beginning of another school year is near, and Bob wanted to share an encouraging letter containing a special call to prayer from someone who has invested his life in serving students....
Sunday provides an opportunity for members of Meadowood to decide on entering a sacrificial giving campaign in order to fund necessary and helpful improvements to the church's facilities, and Bob wanted to take a few moments to help recap the proposal we will be voting on....
While Meadowood's mission team was in Colorado, the church we partner with learned it's building was literally in the way of a neighbor. That actually led to conversations that may break down some barriers to the gospel, which is the way it should be....
Regardless of what "rest" looks like for you, it's important—even commanded—that we still ourselves in the presence of God. Our schedules may make that difficult, but how different would our lives look if we rested properly?...
The first day at Falls Creek is complete, and we thought we'd do our best to keep you updated on all the goings-on taking place during Meadowood's "Week at the Creek."...
Meadowood is sending another large, unique group of students and sponsors to Falls Creek to connect with each other and with God. Not everyone can experience a week at the Creek, but we can all pray for those who do....
Mother's Day is a special day as we have the privilege of honoring our wives, mothers, and women who have been like mothers to us....
Following the Sabbath rest, the first followers of Christ decide to visit the place of His burial. They didn't expect what they found. The stone was rolled away. The tomb was empty. And the things they had been taught in the years traveling with Jesus began to crystallize as a new reality set in. Though it would take some time (and further instruction from the Risen Jesus), the first moments of the full gospel are on display for us in the pages of Scripture....
When it comes to the Saturday of Holy Week, the Bible gives us precious little information. We're mostly left to assume or simply imagine what it might've been like for those who had followed Jesus. Still, it can leave us with loads of questions....
Though we may be familiar with the events of what has come to be called Good Friday, it's easy to lose sight of them or shift our focus forward a couple of days. So let's pause and remember the greatest—and perhaps the most confusing—day in all history....
In these final days, we see tremendous shifts as the people celebrate Jesus and the leaders challenge Him. All of this happens amid dueling realities—the celebration of the Jewish Passover (God-ordained escape from Egypt) and the Roman occupation that dominates life of the times. God has chosen a strategic time to pull off the extraordinary....
Another day in the Holy Week brings another step closer to the cross for Jesus, and our focus now turns to the opposition that has been pushing for this itinerant teacher to be removed from the scene before He disrupts all of Jewish life and belief during the most important time in the Jewish calendar as the people flocked to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover....
When Jesus entered Jerusalem on what we now call Palm Sunday, He set himself on a collision course with the religious leaders of the day. Why did they feel threatened and move to eliminate this young teacher from Nazareth?...
Monday was the second day of the Jewish week, and the Monday of Jesus' march toward Calvary has some interesting events we still find both fascinating and confusing. Follow along with us on this Holy Week adventure through this next installment of The Final Days of Jesus....
Palm Sunday is an interesting day for the Christ follower. Triumphant in his arrival to Jerusalem, Jesus is actually beginning the final days of His ministry and life. Though we know it's not the true end, perhaps if we could take a closer look back, we might see some cultural, historical and theological points we may have missed....
The week leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus was extremely eventful, traumatic, and ultimately triumphant for our Lord. And it's one for us to remember and rejoice....
For the next several weeks, Bob will walk us through the Meadowood mission statement, helping us see it's biblical foundations as we continue to commit ourselves to gospel proclamation near and far....
There have only been a few Wednesdays in 2019, but Meadowood is already seeing a tremendous impact because of the way people are connecting with others, inviting them to attend and pointing them to Jesus....
This message is for everyone. It contains love, hope, and life-changing truths. These four principles will help you discover how to know God personally and experience the abundant life He promised....
This message is for everyone. It contains love, hope, and life-changing truths. These four principles will help you discover how to know God personally and experience the abundant life He promised....
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