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Posts Tagged with "Holy Week"

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Holy Week: Saturday Devotional


Enjoy the final installment of our Holy Week 2020 devotional videos featuring Alex Aaron, director of Mission Mid-Del. ...

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Holy Week: Monday Devotional


Monday can be a day fraught with frustration. It's typically the beginning of the work week. The weekend is over and now school and work and such start all over again. But, as we prepare ourselves for Easter Sunday, we can look to it with hope as we ready ourselves to worship Jesus together....

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The Final Days of Jesus: Wednesday


Another day in the Holy Week brings another step closer to the cross for Jesus, and our focus now turns to the opposition that has been pushing for this itinerant teacher to be removed from the scene before He disrupts all of Jewish life and belief during the most important time in the Jewish calendar as the people flocked to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover....

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The Final Days of Jesus: Tuesday


When Jesus entered Jerusalem on what we now call Palm Sunday, He set himself on a collision course with the religious leaders of the day. Why did they feel threatened and move to eliminate this young teacher from Nazareth?...

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The Final Days of Jesus: Monday


Monday was the second day of the Jewish week, and the Monday of Jesus' march toward Calvary has some interesting events we still find both fascinating and confusing. Follow along with us on this Holy Week adventure through this next installment of The Final Days of Jesus....

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The Final Days of Jesus: Palm Sunday


Palm Sunday is an interesting day for the Christ follower. Triumphant in his arrival to Jerusalem, Jesus is actually beginning the final days of His ministry and life. Though we know it's not the true end, perhaps if we could take a closer look back, we might see some cultural, historical and theological points we may have missed....

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A Week to Remember

The week leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus was extremely eventful, traumatic, and ultimately triumphant for our Lord. And it's one for us to remember and rejoice....

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