WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEAL: We are excited to have resumed Wednesday Night Meals this semester, and we invite you and your family to sign up to be part of these special opportunities to gather around the tables in fellowship. The tentative menu is posted.

Community Groups @ 9:30am | Sunday Service at 10:45am

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Mother's Day Offering

Amid Sunday morning's circumstances, namely the impending departure of Randy Lind, we neglected to mention the special Mother's Day offering we encourage our people to give to in support of some very special local ministries. But you still have the opportunity to give....

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VBS Registration

Meadowood Kids is excited to welcome Mid-Del families to Vacation Bible School 2022, which fetures an archeology theme that will help children dig deeper into their understanding of Christ and His call to share the gospel throughout the world....

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OBHC Back-To-School Dinner Event


Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children hosts its annual back-to-school style show in early August, and Meadowood is invited to participate in this special night!...

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