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Posts Tagged with "purpose"

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 30


Jesus formative years were a learning experience for everyone. Even though we get very little information about his growing up, we see in at least one little snippet how committed He is to His Father's purposes and plans to bring rescue. Even when his parents didn't "get it," He still pursued His work....

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Advent Daily Devotional: December 22


Christmas comes at the end of the calendar year, but the Christmas story is just the start of all that God seeks to accomplish in and through those He came to save. Just like everything He does, there is purpose in the method in which He stepped into our circumstances. And it all leads us to rejoice in the God who comes for us!...

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The View Forward


Beginning March 3, Pastor Bob will walk the Meadowood family through a series of Bible-saturated sermons designed to convey the mission behind the church as we strive to declare God's Word, develop disciples and deploy the church for His glory....

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